

Auto Property
Axa Insurance * 10% – 12.5% 20%
Citadel General Assurance* 10% – 12.5% 20%
ING Insurance * 10% -12.5% 20%
Royal & Sun Alliance* 10% – 12.5% 20%
Wawanesa Insurance* 10% – 12.5% 20%
Western Assurance* 10-14% 20%
Facility (Royal) 10% – $250Maximum n/a
Kingsway General 5% – 10% n/a
Southwestern Group n/a 12.5%
Premier Marine Ins Group n/a 15%

This commission is paid annually for both new business and renewals.

In order for us to maintain strong relationships with quality insurers, we work closely with each.  The insurers marked with an asterisk recognize our efforts through a Contingent (Profit ) Commission contract.  Payment of this Contingent (Profit) Commission may depend on a combination of growth, profitability (loss ratio), volume, retention, and increased services that we provide on behalf of the insurer.  Contingent (profit) Commission is not guaranteed.  For detailed information on Contingent Commission, please go to the individual company’s website.  These can be accessed through our website, www.safewayinsure.com.
